
Things You Will Learn

Needs Analysis Reports

The needs analysis questionnaire is an essential tool for gathering information from trainers working with refugees in vocational-educational trainings in the partner countries of the project. The questionnaire aims to assess the trainers' level of familiarity with mental health and mental wellbeing challenges faced by refugees, their confidence in identifying and addressing these issues, awareness of available resources, knowledge of trauma-informed teaching practices, and strategies used to create a supportive learning environment. By collecting data from trainers across the partner countries through this questionnaire, the report will provide a comprehensive understanding of the needs, gaps, and areas for improvement in supporting the mental wellbeing of refugees in vocational-educational trainings.

State of the Art Reports

The integration of refugees into the labour market is a pivotal aspect of their successful resettlement and a cornerstone of the NewFuture project. This section examines the challenges and opportunities that refugees encounter in the labour market highlighting strategies and policies that support their economic and social integration.

Best Practice Reports

Based on the identified best practices from "Peace of Mind" in Germany, "Welcome Home Program" in Poland, "Online Mental Health Training for the Refugee Population" in Portugal, "Project Mind Yourself" in Ireland, "TrauMaTRIX" in Austria, and "Microintegration through One-by-One Dialog" in Norway, the “Improving the capacity of the civil sector to respond to humanitarian crises and support refugees and migrants“ in Bulgaria and the “I Get You” in Romania the Erasmus+ Project NewFuture should include the following aspects in its guide for professionals: 1. Trauma-Informed Care Approach 2. Personalized Support and One-on-One Dialogue 3. Cultural Sensitivity and Cultural Competence 4. Integration of Art and Visual Resources 5. Comprehensive Support Services

The Training Kit & Toolbox for Trainers





Methodology for the Training Kit

"Train the Trainers"

Guide for Volunteers & Community Leaders


national workshops

pilot projects


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.