
The project consortium is made up of four organizations from four different countries.

QBS Gewerkstatt from Germany, BEST from Austria, Mindshift from Portugal and Right to Childhood Foundation from Bulgaria.



QBS Gewerkstatt

Project Leader - QBS Gewerkstatt gGmbH from Bochum, Germany, is at the forefront of providing vocational training and education, fostering learning and innovation. The QBS Gewerkstatt is an NGO founded in 1985 in Bochum, Germany, aimed at combating discrimination, inequalities, unemployment, fostering socio-cultural inclusion and integration as well as promoting digitalisation and sustainability. QBS Gewerkstatt actively promotes the social and professional skills, and that also in collaboration with the government and other state institutions (such as the Chamber of Commerce), job centres, schools as well as social organizations and societies.

We are engaged in a number of activities and offer a variety of services: career guidance for migrants and their parents, job application training and interview coaching, certified language and computer classes, intercultural/diversity seminars and training courses for multipliers, various EU projects with several themes such as VET, adult, learning, digitalisation, sustainability, organisation of cultural events, etc.

Telefon: +49 234 925639 – 11
Email Adress:

Contact Person: Werner Fuhrmann


BEST Institut für berufsbezogene Weiterbildung und Personaltraining GmbH from Wien, Austria, excels in vocational training, making learning accessible and impactful.

BEST Institut für berufsbezogene Weiterbildung und Personaltraining GmbH ( was founded in 1990 as an independent Austrian organization for providing continuous training, vocational qualification and career services. Its main activities comprise the development of innovative training programs for young (+16) individuals and adults, many of them disadvantaged and with migration background, on continuous and vocational training, counselling & coaching and activation for job seekers and employees. The training schemes are client-oriented and based on both the specific needs of the labor market and the participants' individual situations, skills and competences, previous experience and life circumstances.

Telefon: +43 1 585 50 50
Email Adress:

Contact Person: Helmut Kronika

Mindshift Talent Advisory

Mindshift Talent Advisory, based in Lisboa, Portugal, masters innovative approaches to talent development and education. Mindshift is a consulting company specialized in Human Resources that invests in the performance and upskilling of people’s competences, seeking to boost the digital and interpersonal maturity in organizations and society. At national level, MINDSHIFT has as one of its main partners The Key Talent Portugal, a HR Tech Consulting specialized in Social Attraction and Talent Assessment that develops platforms, such as Panorama and AplyGo, that allow to optimize, implement and manage digital, agile and attractive HR processes based on data analysis.

At European level, we are a strategic partner for the development of transnational cooperation projects aiming to create innovative solutions in the area of youth and adult training, in six key-areas: upskilling & reskilling, inclusion & employability, sustainable development, women empowerment, entrepreneurship & creativity, and digital talent. Mindshift is strongly committed to the principles of Social Responsibility and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, bringing together a team of staff with various backgrounds and professional experience.

Right to Childhood Foundation

Right to Childhood Foundation from Ruse, Bulgaria, is devoted to creating nurturing environments both on legal and psychological front

RCF's mission is to uphold human rights. RCF provides legal counselling and psychosocial support to vulnerable groups, mainly children and their families. The topics we mainly work on are human rights, protection from discrimination, prevention and fight against violence, exploitation and human trafficking. We have experience in organising and conducting training for professionals and young people, developing learning materials, selflearning platforms, materials and products promoting the causes we believe in.


Contact Person: Marinela Koleva

Email Adress:


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